
Showing posts from December, 2021

SIX Tips How to Keep The Vaginal Area Healthy

SIX Tips How to Keep The Vaginal Area Healthy Vaginal health is not very often discussed, but it is very important aspect for women’s health. Vaginal issues can cause irritation, discomfort, low self-esteem in life and they are going to interfere with your daily activities. So, today we will discuss how to keep the vaginal area healthy. Prevention The first preventive methods is soaked in warm water. Vaginal boil are another very common problems occurring in that area. Follicles can cause pus filled bumps to form outside the vaginal area. Soak yourself in a bathtub or fill a tub with warm water and sit in that tub for some time, do this regularly. Warm water will clean the area fully and help you to compress the boil. Include yogurt in your diet Yogurt is a natural source of probiotics that helps introducing healthy bacteria in your body. Probiotics can help to prevent infections like bacterial vaginosis. So, have a bowl of yogurt every day in your meal. You can also apply yogurt in t

Maternity Coverage in Pregnancy Health Insurance

Maternity Coverage in Pregnancy Health Insurance As a mother, pregnancy is a magical journey for families. But with the happiness of motherhood also come the anxieties of childbirth and bringing up a child. Most of it has to do with the rising cost of health care during and after pregnancy. It can pose both an emotional and financial challenge if unprepared.  To relieve the journey of pregnancy and the complications that may arise during it, most health insurance companies provide a maternity cover . What is a maternity cover in health insurance? A maternity cover is a type of coverage that guarantees the expenses associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Somebody can get it on a standalone basis or as an optional add-on to cover the needs of expecting mothers and new-borns. The reach of coverage depends on the type of cover and the insurance company.  This coverage is normally provided after a waiting period of 1-4 years, so it is proper to get a maternity cover in advance. What You S

Knowing 8 Common Myths About Breastfeeding

Knowing 8 Common Myths About Breastfeeding There is generally very little knowledge of the myths about breastfeeding, mainly because of the delicate condition of the mother. You need to feed the baby in your womb, the nursing baby, and yourself. And now, let’s bust the most common breastfeeding myths. Myth number 1: I can't Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding. You can get pregnant while breastfeeding. Breastfeeding can delay fertility but is not foolproof, especially if you're not exclusively nursing your baby round the clock, your menstrual period has returned, or your baby is more than 6 months old. Myth number 2: My Breasts Are Too Small or Too Big to Breastfeed. Breast size is irrelevant. Size does not determine the quality of milk produced. All shapes and sizes are capable of producing a good supply of milk. Myth number 3: I Won't Produce Breast Milk The First Few Days After Birth. Pregnant women begin producing colostrum, the baby's first milk, in the second trimeste