Dangerous Mistakes You MUST Avoid in The First Trimester of Pregnancy

Dangerous Mistakes You MUST Avoid in The First Trimester of Pregnancy

Enjoy motherhood in all its glory, but avoid these silly mistakes in your first trimester of pregnancy.

Being a mother is a cheerful phase, but it isn’t easy at all. Your journey begins right on the day you first hear that you have a fetus growing in your womb.

Being cautious about everything you do during pregnancy is very important. That’s because whatever you do, feel, and eat during pregnancy has a direct effect on your baby.

Avoid these 7 mistakes in your first trimester to keep away complications in your pregnancy.

1. Quit alcohol.

It is never too late to stop alcohol during pregnancy. Because baby brain growth takes place throughout pregnancy, stopping alcohol use will improve the baby's health and well being.

2. Quitting smoking.

Quitting smoking is important to avoid miscarriage, birth defects like a cleft palate or cleft lip, low birth weight, premature birth, and infant death.

3. Avoid caffeine.

You might love your cup of coffee, but too much of it isn’t good for your baby.

4. Avoid eating raw meat.

Avoid eating raw meat or uncooked eggs, as they can lead to life threatening illnesses. Moreover, these illnesses can cause miscarriage and birth defects too.

5. Don’t go for hard exercises.

Try to opt for light exercises if you must exercise during the first trimester. So don't go overboard as it can be harmful for the baby.

6. Avoid taking sauna.

You must avoid saunas or even hot tubs. There’s a high chance of dehydration, overheating or even fainting, because the rise in the core temperature can affect the development of the baby during.

7. Say no to drugs.

Drugs become dangerous when you have a baby inside you to take care of. This majorly increases the risk of pregnancy complications and fetal abnormalities.

8. Don’t self medicate.

Avoid any over the counter medication, as this can be risky for both, the mother and the baby. So better go to get for medication prescribed by the doctor.

Watch this video about dangerous mistakes you must avoid in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Those were some of things to avoid during pregnancy in your first trimester. Every woman is worried about what is right and what is not for their baby during pregnancy. 

There are some things that are a must for good health while there are some things that you should avoid altogether during this phase. Be aware, stay safe and give your baby the best.

Note: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance and care.


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